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Ruth D. Hunt is most passionate about family history and genealogy. She is fascinated with the extraordinary process of uncovering the lives of her ancestors. Ruth acknowledges that she stands on her ancestor's strong shoulders, which fuels her passion for genealogy.  Ruth's father was her greatest inspiration, known for his masterful storytelling.  He was the family rock, the Griot, and the keeper of the family flame. When her Dad passed, his Griot Baton was passed on to her.


In 1977, after Alex Haley transformed the world with his book and television series Roots, Ruth began to inquire about her ancestors and started piecing together the fragments of her family history. As a native New Yorker, the first generation born in the North, she traveled back and forth to Southwest Virginia and had the privilege of sitting at the feet of her southern elders. She was chosen, now honored, and blessed to be the family the Giot entrusted with the family stories.


Long before historical records and census data were digitally uploaded, this skilled family research specialist relentlessly unearthed her distinguished legacy the old fashion way: by meticulously piecing together once-obscured data dating back centuries. Her paternal and maternal genealogical work has reaped significant professional and personal dividends.


Ruth has accomplished the unthinkable for a woman of color: she traced her Cansler, Poindexter, and Clark branches back to the 1300s. Uncovering one's lineage is quite a phenomenal experience. When you start the process, it can be very spiritual. She believes our ancestors want us to find them. The Ancestors want us to tell their stories, and in the process, it gives one a great sense of pride in knowing who you are and what contributions your ancestors have made to society.


Ruth is forever inspired by the many people who have taken her workshops. It is especially joyful to see the participants' faces light up with curiosity and a great sense of pride when they uncover their truth. Nothing is more inspiring than helping someone learn where they come from and how their family history is woven into the fabric of American history and beyond!














I continue to be inspired by   
Dr. Henry Louis Gates
 "Finding Your Roots"



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